Autoconfiguring supervisory programme for control and data acquisition systems

Very simple to use, this programme automatically identifies the connected instruments, generates the appropriate instrument faceplate view and makes all variables for the connected instrument available. Log interval is selectable from 1 second to 1 hour. Log reports are stored as CSV files and are directly displayed within Excel. Any number of screen layouts can be generated, importing as many measured values, graphs, bargraphs, instrument views, drawings, photos, alarm windows as necessary. User defined on screen buttons can be added to switch between the graphical display windows .
  • Automatic configuration
  • Data logging
  • Bargraphs
  • Recipes
  • Trend charts with printing
  • Dynamic Data Exchange
  • Historical replay
  • Strategy controller
  • Alarm Popup
  • Password protection
  • Instrument views
  • On screen buttons
  • Measured value adjustment
  • Remote customer upgrading
  • CSV output to spreadsheets
  • Import bitmaps
The following types are available:

Autoconfiguring Supervisory Programme

Order Code Description 1 - 4 5 - 9 10+ Buy
694-111 Supervisory programme - basic version (*1) $2,419.00 $2,205.00 $2,018.00 Add
694-112 Supervisory programme - complete version $5,659.00 $5,158.00 $4,722.00 Add
694-115 Supervisory programme - limited to 2 instruments (*2) $839.00 $764.00 $700.00 Add
  *1 : All functions except : DDE option, full historical replay, strategy controller.
*2 : All functions except : DDE option, full historical replay, strategy controller, restriction to 2 instruments.